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Summary Statistics
May 2019 Real Estate Report:
May 2019 Real Estate Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $463,248,158 is up from $400,498,076 in April, a 15.67% increase and up 12.06% from May 2018.
- The Average Sales Price of $277,228 is an increase of 6.39% from $260,571 last month.
- Average List Price of $282,609 is an increase of 6.23% from $266,033 in April.
- Total Under Contract of 2,134 decreased .28% since April’s number of 2,140.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,671 is an increase of 8.72% since last month’s number of 1,537.
- The Median Sales Price of $232,000 increased 6.18% from $218,500 in April and up 7.16% since May 2018.
- New Listings of 1,795 have decreased 13.12% from 2,066 in April and 9.39% since May 2018.
- Total Active Listings of 2,705 is a decrease of 6.72% from April.
- Average Days on Market decreased to 37 this month from 41 last month.
- Conventional loan sales of 49% exceeded Cash Sales of 20.9%.
- Full May 2019 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics
April 2019 Real Estate Report:
April 2019 Real Estate Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $400,498,076 is up from $369,814,660 in March, a 8.30% increase and up 6.65% from April 2018.
- The Average Sales Price of $260,571 is a decrease of .23% from $261,168 last month.
- Average List Price of $266,033 is a decrease of 0.17% from $266,479 in March.
- Total Under Contract of 2,140 increased 1.28% since March’s number of 2,113.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,537 is an increase of 8.55% since last month’s number of 1,416 and is an increase of 5.85% since April 2018.
- The Median Sales Price of $218,500 decreased 0.23% from $219,000 in March.
- New Listings of 2,066 have increased 9.43% from 1,888 in March.
- Total Active Listings of 2,900 is a decrease of 3.49% from March.
- Average Days on Market decreased to 41 this month from 43 last month.
- Conventional loan sales of 47% exceeded Cash Sales of 25.4%.
- Full April 2019 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics
March 2019 Real Estate Report:
March 2019 Real Estate Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $369,814,660 is up from $268,547,792 in February, a 37.71% increase.
- The Average Sales Price of $261,168 is an increase of .66% from $259,466 last month.
- Average List Price of $266,479 is an increase of 0.59% from $265,446 in February.
- Total Under Contract of 2,113 increased 29.71% since February’s number of 1,629.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,416 is an increase of 36.81% since last month’s number of 1,035 but is a decrease of 3.15% since March 2018.
- The Median Sales Price of $219,000 increased 1.39% from $216,000 in February but is an increase of 4.29% over last year.
- New Listings of 1,888 have increased 10.93% from 1,702 in February.
- Total Active Listings of 3,005 is a decrease of 2.85% from February.
- Average Days on Market decreased from 48 to 43 this month.
- Conventional loan sales of 48.5% exceeded Cash Sales of 25%.
- Full March 2019 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics
February 2019 Real Estate Report:
February 2019 Real Estate Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $268,547,792 is up from $241,045,819 in January, an 11.41% increase.
- The Average Sales Price of $259,466 is a slight increase of 0.21% from $258,910 last month.
- Average List Price of $265,446 is an increase of 0.20% from $264,916 in January.
- Total Under Contract of 1,966 increased 20.69% since January’s number of 1,629.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,035 is an increase of 11.17% since last month’s number of 931, but is a decrease of 4.52% since February 2018.
- The Median Sales Price of $216,000 decreased 0.92% from $218,000 in January but is an increase of 4.35% over last year.
- New Listings of 1,702 have decreased 21.49% from 2,168 in January.
- Total Active Listings of 3,093 is a decrease of 5.79% from January.
- Average Days on Market increased from 44 to 48 this month.
- Conventional loan sales of 46.7% exceeded Cash Sales of 26.8%.
- Full February 2019 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics
January 2019 Real Estate Report:
January 2019 Real Estate Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $241,045,819 is down from $271,858,079 in December resulting in an 11.33% decrease but up 5.79% from last year.
- The Average Sales Price of $258,910 is an increase of 3.05% from $251,255 last month and up 6.36% from January 2018.
- Average List Price of $264,916 is an increase of 3.27% from $256,519 in December.
- Total Under Contract of 1,629 is an increase of 35.41% since December’s number of 1,203.
- Total Unit Sales of 931 is a decrease of 13.96% since last month’s number of 1,082.
- The Median Sales Price of $218,000 increased 6.34% from $205,000 in December.
- New Listings of 2,168 have dramatically increased 68.72% from 1,285 in December.
- Total Active Listings of 3,283 have increased since 3,212 last month.
- Average Days on Market increased from 40 to 44 this month.
- Conventional loan sales of 49.0% exceeded Cash Sales of 23.5%.
- Full January 2019 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics
December 2018 Real Estate Report:
December 2018 Real Estate Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $271,585,079 is down from $294,286,393 in November resulting in an 7.62% decrease.
- The Average Sales Price of $251,255 is a decrease of 2.84% from $258,599 last month.
- Average List Price of $256,519 is a decrease of 3.09% from $264,688 in November.
- Total Under Contract of 1,203 is a decrease of 17.83% since November’s number of 1,464.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,082 is a decrease of 4.92% since last month’s number of 1,138.
- The Median Sales Price of $205,000 decreased 6.39% from $219,000 in November and is exactly the same number as December 2017.
- New Listings of 1,285 have decreased 19.44% from 1,595 in November.
- Total Active Listings of 3,212 are a decrease from 3,332 in November.
- Average Days on Market increased from 38 to 40 this month.
- Conventional loan sales of 47.2% exceeded Cash Sales of 23.1%.
- Full December 2018 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics
November 2018 Real Estate Report:
November 2018 Real Estate Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $294,286,393 is down from $322,056,857 in October resulting in an 8.62% decrease but is up 5.31% from November 2017.
- The Average Sales Price of $258,599 is an increase of 2.78% from $251,606 last month.
- Average List Price of $264,688 is an increase of 3.11% from $256,699 in October.
- Total Under Contract of 1,464 is a decrease of 5.67% since October’s number of 1,552.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,138 is a decrease of 11.09% since last month’s number of 1,280.
- The Median Sales Price of $219,000 increased 1.86% from $215,000 in October and is up 5.53% from last year’s number of $207,527.
- New Listings of 1,595 have decreased 11.54% from 1,803 in October.
- Total Active Listings of 3,332 is an increase from 3,327 in October.
- Average Days on Market decreased from 41 to 38 this month.
- Conventional loan sales of 48.6% exceeded Cash Sales of 24.4%.
- Full November 2018 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics
October 2018 Real Estate Report:
October 2018 Real Estate Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $322,056,857 is up from $287,318,178 in September resulting in a 12.09% increase.
- The Average Sales Price of $251,606 is an increase of 1.14% from $248,760 last month.
- Average List Price of $256,699 is an increase of 1.09% from $253,924 in September.
- Total Under Contract of 1,552 is a decrease of 3.78% since September’s number of 1,613.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,280 is an increase of 10.82% since last month’s number of 1,155 and an increase of 5.61% since October 2017.
- The Median Sales Price of $215,000 increased 2.38% from $210,000 in September and is up 7.55% from last year’s number of $199,900.
- New Listings of 1,803 have increased 1.29% from 1,780 in September.
- Total Active Listings of 3,327 is an increase from 3,210 in September.
- Average Days on Market increased from 38 to 41 this month.
- Conventional loan sales of 48.0% exceeded Cash Sales of 24.7%.
- Full October 2018 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics
September 2018 Real Estate Report:
September 2018 Real Estate Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $287,318,178 is a drop from $349,507,394 in August resulting in a 17.79% decrease.
- The Average Sales Price of $248,760 is a decrease of 4.20% from $259,663 last month.
- Average List Price of $253,924 is a decrease of 4.15% from $264,923 in August.
- Total Under Contract of 1,613 is a decrease of 13.23% since August’s number of 1,859.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,155 is a decrease of 14.19% since last month’s number of 1,346 and a decrease of 4.70% since September 2017.
- The Median Sales Price of $210,000 is a decrease of 3.20% from $216,950 in August but up 1.49% from last year’s number of $206,915.
- New Listings of 1,780 is an increase of 1.42% from 1,755 in August.
- Total Active Listings of 3,210 is an increase from 2,944 in August and a decrease of 10.51% since last year.
- Average Days on Market remained at 38 this month, the same as last month.
- Conventional loan sales of 47.9% exceeded Cash Sales of 21.8%.
- Full September 2018 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics from August 2018 MLS Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $349,507,394 is up from $347,114,173 in July resulting in a .69% increase.
- The Average Sales Price of $259,663 is an increase of 2.26% from $253,924 last month.
- Average List Price of $264,923 is an increase of 1.78% from $260,279 in July.
- Total Under Contract of 1,859 is an increase of 4.67% since July’s number of 1,776 and an increase of 13.77% over August 2017.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,346 is a decrease of 1.54% since last month’s number of 1,367 and coincidentally exactly the same number as August 2017.
- The Median Sales Price of $216,950 is an increase of .91% from $215,000 in July and up 12.99% from last year’s number of $192,000.
- New Listings of 1,755 is a decrease of 1.63% from 1,784 in July.
- Total Active Listings of 2,944 is a decrease from 2,967 in July and a decrease of 15.89% since last year.
- Average Days on Market decreased to 38 this month from 43 last month.
- Conventional loan sales of 49.3% exceeded Cash Sales of 22.7%.
- Full August 2018 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics from July 2018 MLS Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $347,114,173 is down 15.91% from June’s number of $412,805,427 but is up 16.84% from last year.
- The Average Sales Price of $253,924 is a decrease of .2.01% from $259,137 in June.
- Average List Price of $260,279 is a decrease of 1.53% from last month’s number of $264,328.
- Total Under Contract of 1,776 is a decrease of 4.31% since June’s number of 1,856.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,367 is a decrease of 14.19% since last month’s number of 1,593 but up 6.13% since July 2017.
- The Median Sales Price of $215,000 is an increase of 1.42% from $212,000 in June and up 10.26% from last year’s number of $195,000.
- New Listings of 1,784 are a decrease of 5.46% from 1,887 in June.
- Total Active Listings of 2,967 are a slight decrease from 2,974 in June.
- Average Days on Market increased to 43 this month from 39 last month.
- Conventional loan sales of 46.2% exceeded Cash Sales of 21.7%.
- Full July 2018 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics from June 2018 MLS Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $412,805,427 is a decrease of 0.14% from May’s number of $413,401,140 but an increase of 11.12% since June 2017.
- The Average Sales Price of $259,137 is a decrease of .90% from $261,480 in May.
- Average List Price of $264,328 is a decrease of 1.09% from last month’s number of 267,234.
- Total Under Contract of 1,856 is a decrease of 13.03% since May’s number of 2,134.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,593 are .76% higher than May’s 1,581 and up 4.25% from this time last year.
- The Median Sales Price of $212,000 decreased from $216,500 last month but is up 3.41% from June 2017.
- New Listings of 1,887 are down from 1,981 last month, resulting in a 4.75% decrease.
- Total Active Listings of 2,974 are a decrease from 3,048 in May.
- Average Days on Market decreased from 41 last month to 39.
- Conventional loan sales of 47.8% exceeded Cash Sales of 22.5%.
- Full June 2018 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics from May 2018 MLS Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $413,401,140 is an increase of 10.09% from last month’s number of $375,510,677 and an increase of 14.51% over May 2017.
- The Average Sales Price of $261,480 is an increase of 1.11% from $258,616 in April.
- Average List Price of $267,234 increased by 1.05% over April’s 264,467.
- Total Under Contract decreased 1.52% since last month going from 2,167 to 2,134.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,581 is up this month over April’s number of 1,452, resulting in an 8.88% increase, and is up 7.55% over May 2017.
- The Median Sales Price of $216,500 is an increase of .70% since April’s 215,000.
- New Listings of 1,981 are down from 2,006 in April but are an increase of 3.28% from May 2017.
- Total Active Listings of 3,048 is a decrease of 1.58% from April.
- Average Days on Market decreased this month to 41 from 43 in April.
- Conventional loan sales of 45.2% exceeded Cash Sales of 24.9%.
- Full May 2018 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics from April 2018 MLS Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $375,510,677 is an increase of 4.19% from March’s number of $360,404,000 and an increase of 18.58% over April 2017.
- The Average Sales Price of $258,616 is an increase of 4.91% from $246,514 in March.
- Average List Price of $264,467 is an increase of 4.55% from last month’s number of $252,954.
- Total Under Contract increased to 2,167 from 2,157 in March.
- Total Unit Sales declined this month to 1,452 from 1,462 last month resulting in a 0.68% decrease, but increased 9.01% over April 2017.
- The Median Sales Price of $215,000 is an increase of 2.38% since March.
- New Listings rose from 1,962 in March to 2,006 in April, a 2.24% increase.
- Total Active Listings of 3,097 is a decrease of 2.79% from March, and a 10.13% decrease from April 2017.
- Average Days on Market held at 43 this month, exactly the same as they were in March.
- Conventional loan sales of 45.5% exceeded Cash Sales of 25.9%.
- Full April 2018 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics from March 2018 MLS Report:
- Total Sales Volume this month of $360,404,000 is an increase of 33.47% from last month’s number of $270,019,575.
- The Average Sales Price of $246,514 is a decrease of 1.04% from $249,095 in February.
- Average List Price of $246,514 is a decrease of 3.43% from last month’s number of $255,269.
- Total Under Contract increased from 1,998 in February to 2,157 this month.
- Total Unit Sales jumped from 1,084 in February to 1,462 this month, up 34.87%, but down by .07% from March 2017.
- The Median Sales Price of $210,000 is up 1.45% from $207,000 in February, and up 6.60% since this time last year.
- New Listings increased to 1,962 from 1,776 last month.
- Total Active Listings of 3,186 decreased from last month’s number of 3,293, a 3.25% drop.
- Average Days on Market dropped to 43 from 49 last month.
- Conventional loan sales of 43.6% exceeded Cash Sales of 27.6%.
- Full March 2018 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics from February 2018 MLS Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $270,019,575 is UP 18.51% from last month.
- The Average Sales Price of $249,095 is an increase of 2.33% from $243,431 in January.
- Average List Price increased to $255,269 from $249,970 last month, a 2.12% change.
- Total Under Contract increased from 1,823 in January to 1,998 this month.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,084 are up 15.81% from January’s 936 but are down 2.61% from February 2017.
- The Median Sales Price of $207,000 rose from $200,000 last month, a 3.50% increase and is up 6.70% from this time last year when it was $194,000.
- New Listings decreased to 1,776 from 2,019 last year, a 12.04% drop.
- Total Active Listings of 3,293 is down 2.43% from 3,375 in January.
- Average Days on Market held at 49, exactly what is was last month.
- Conventional loan sales of 42.7% exceeded Cash Sales of 27.8%.
- Full February 2018 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics from January 2018 MLS Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $227,851,861 is a decrease of 17.72% from last month’s number of $276,914,274 but an increase of 2.99% over January 2017.
- Average Sales Price of $243,431 is a decrease of 1.89% from last month’s number of $248,131.
- Average List Price of $249,970 is down from $255,058 in December, a 1.99% decrease.
- Total Under Contract increased to 1,823 from last month’s 1,290.
- Total Unit Sales of 936 fell from December’s number of 1,116, a 16.13% decrease.
- The Median Sales Price, $200,000, is down from $205,000 in December resulting in a 2.44% decrease but an 8.11% increase over January 2017
- New Listings increased this month to 2,019 from 1,272 in December, a 58.73% increase.
- Total Active Listings of 3,375 is a decrease of 2.26% from last month.
- Average Days on Market of 49 is an increase from December’s number of 46.
- Conventional loan sales of 44.6% exceeded Cash Sales of 26.3%.
- Full January 2018 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics from December 2017 MLS Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $276,914,274 is down from November’s number of $279,460,100, resulting in a .91% decrease but is up 6.86% over December 2016.
- Average Sales Price is up .69% over last month and up 7.63% over December 2016
- Average List Price of $255,058 is up 1% over last month and up 9.36% over December 2016
- Total Under Contract of 1,290 is a decrease of 15.74% since last month.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,116 decreased 1.59% from November’s 1,134.
- The Median Sales Price, $205,000, is down from $207,527 in November resulting in a 1.22% decrease but a 14.53% increase over December 2016.
- New Listings decreased to 1,272 from 1,494 in November, but rose 11.97% over December 2016.
- Total Active Listings of 3,453 is a decrease of 4.38% from last month.
- Average Days on Market of 46 is an increase from November’s number of 44.
- Conventional loan sales of 44.5% exceeded Cash Sales of 25.9%.
- Full December 2017 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics from November 2017 MLS Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $279,460,100 is a decrease of 3.26% from October’s number of $288,890,599 but an increase of 9.31% since November 2016.
- The Average Sales Price is up this month to $246,437 from $238,358 in October. That’s a 3.39% increase.
- Average List Price of $252,533 increased 3.58% from October.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,134 is a 6.44% decrease from October’s 1,212 units.
- The Median Sales Price is up this month to $207,527 from $199,900 in October; that’s a 3.82% increase over last month and a 12.24% increase over November 2016.
- New Listings decreased significantly this month going from 1,896 in October to 1,494 in November resulting in a 21.20% change.
- Total Active Listings of 3,611 is a decrease of 2.11% from last month.
- Average Days on Market increased from 40 to 44 this month.
- Conventional loan sales of 44.2% exceeded Cash Sales of 24.6%.
- Full November 2017 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Summary Statistics from October 2017 MLS Report:
- Total Sales Volume of $288,890,599 is a decrease of 3.75% since last month’s number of $300,150,958 but is an increase of 12.5% since October 2016.
- The Average Sales Price of $238,358 is a decrease of 3.75% from $247,649 last month.
- Average List Price of $243,801 is down 3.60% from September.
- Total Under Contract of 1,653 is an increase of 0.12% since last month.
- Total Unit Sales of 1,212 matched last month’s number of 1,212, but is an increase of 3.95% since October 2016.
- The Median Sales Price decreased by 3.39% to $199,900 from $206,915 in September, but is an increase of 12.30% since October 2016.
- New Listings are up 2.71% since September.
- Total Active Listings increased 2.84% to 3,689 from 3,587 in September.
- Average Days on Market continues to slowly decrease, going from 42 in September to 40 in October.
- Conventional loan sales of 43.7% exceeded Cash Sales of 23.7%.
- Full October 2017 MLS Report Here | MLS Report Archive
Current Single Family Real Estate Statistics
(12 Month History)
- 385000.00,380000.00,385000.00,388950.00,389000.00,387895.00,385000.00,379400.00,378990.00,375000.00,375000.00,383000.00
- 372900.00,360000.00,389000.00,380000.00,369000.00,372000.00,374990.00,369900.00,359000.00,370000.00,365000.00,389140.00
- 349900.00,358800.00,355000.00,367500.00,362500.00,369000.00,374999.00,363110.00,369900.00,358000.00,364999.00,355000.00
Information is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. © 2024
Absorption Rate:
(12 Month History)
This number represents the number of months it would take to deplete the current inventory with no new listings. The absorption rate in a balanced market is typically between 5 – 7 months. A higher number would reflect more of a buyer’s market and a lower number a seller’s market.
- 3.08,3.32,3.36,3.64,3.75,3.77,3.8,3.91,3.99,3.98,4.17,4.24
Information is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. © 2024
(12 Month History)
- 4099,4411,4446,4820,4998,5000,5047,5175,5209,5204,5430,5527
- 1571,1261,1976,1957,2111,2033,2235,1883,1847,1975,2027,2082
- 1057,1045,1023,1301,1503,1585,1633,1387,1363,1347,1195,1207
Information is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. © 2024
Sold Days on Market:
(12 Month History)
This number represents the average number of days between the original list date and the final sale date among the listings sold in a given month.
- 46.1,50.6,49.3,63.5,58.8,53.7,52.1,49.8,55.9,58.4,59.8,59.6
Information is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. © 2024
(12 Month History)
- 2100857197,2214939705,2252644306,2477471032,2572111727,2585838096,2605825926,2616853242,2584345803,2550206102,2685499933,2799684984
- 709364122,548180048,963344608,956632229,955630154,965408679,1040560076,852076589,794258715,885600831,920562545,1003729655
- 435246929,441617579,430325734,554780878,669995881,714973950,721376085,603577406,600025117,558447451,501133629,521164602
Information is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. © 2024
Comparison of Homes Sold – List Price to Sold Price:
(12 Month History)
- 411775.71,422600.55,420650.77,426426.50,445772.38,451087.67,441748.98,435167.56,440223.86,414586.08,419358.69,431785.09
- 404404.02,415377.18,411115.62,418604.57,438112.11,443950.03,435632.61,426713.49,430538.59,406151.41,411436.19,423035.95
Information is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. © 2024
Sale to List Price Ratio:
(12 Month History)
This ratio represents the average percentage of the list price that sellers accepted in a given month.
- 98.3,98.4,98.0,98.2,98.5,98.4,98.6,98.4,98.2,98.0,98.3,98.1
Information is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. © 2024